Evening With Indonesian Master Chef Degan Septoadji Surprijadi

A evening of Indonesian culinary delights with Master Chef Degan Septoadji Suriljadi, well what can I say. I was amazed to learn how the spices used are similar to my Minettes Gourmet Dry Marinades bursting with mouth watering experiences. 

He has continued with his culinary journey to his birthplace Bali with the aim of creating something special. Combined with techniques learnt from around the globe this has enabled him to discover dishes from other countries and a wide range of ingredients. 

It was a pleasure to discover the flavours of his country.

We hope he will be opening a restaurant soon.

My favourite dish of the evening is the Soto Ayam. Which is a traditional Indonesian dish, packed with fresh ingredients. I had to share his recipe with you. 


2 Large Chicken Stock
300g Bumbu Kuning
150g Lemon grass, cleaned
3 Lime leaves
300g Shredded chicken meat
300g Glass noodles or rice noodles
10 Quail eggs (cooked)
5 tbsp seedless tomato diced
10 tsp Fried shallots
10 tsp celery leaf, finely cut


Combine chicken stock, Bumbu Kuning, lemon grass and lime leaves in a pot and bring to simmer. Add salt to taste and simmer for another 30 minutes. Strain the soup and keep it hot. Arrange the chicken meat, glass noodles, quail eggs, tomato, fried shallots and celery leaf in a soup bowl. Pour the soup into the bowl and serve immediately.




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